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IVS – Industrial Valve Summit

Evento internazionale leader di settore, IVS è un vero information hub a cui non puoi mancare

Industrial Valve Summit è l’evento internazionale leader per le tecnologie delle valvole Oil&Gas e per le soluzioni di controllo del flusso. Un vero e proprio Information Hub per tenersi aggiornati sulle tendenze del mercato, incontrare i protagonisti globali, conoscere le eccellenze produttive e cercare le ultime innovazioni tecnologiche.

IVS – Industrial Valve Summit è il:

  • Forum per l’industria delle valvole industriali
  • Piattaforma di innovazioni e summit tecnologico
  • Punto d’incontro trend setter
  • Punto di decollo per le decisioni di investimento
  • Rete internazionale di esperti e specialisti

IVS – Industrial Valve Summit

Leading international event IVS is a real information hub, where you must be 

Industrial Valve Summit is the leading international event for the Oil&Gas valve technologies and flow control solutions. A real Information Hub, where you can keep up to date with market trends, meet the global key-players, the manufacturing excellence and look for the latest technology innovations.

IVS – Industrial Valve Summit is the:

  • Forum for the industrial valves industry
  • Innovations’ platform and technology summit
  • Trend-setting meeting point
  • Take-off for investment decisions
  • International network of experts and specialists

SMI: uno scenario di forte espansione e investimenti

Case History: Huihuang United Food sceglie il sistema integrato ECOBLOC® ERGON di SMI

Il consumo di acqua confezionata è in costante crescita in ogni parte del mondo e le previsioni dei maggiori istituti di ricerca indicato che la tendenza continuerà anche in futuro; non fa eccezione la Cina, dove, nel solo primo trimestre 2023, si è registrato un incremento nelle vendite di acqua in bottiglia pari al 10,9% (Fonte Globaldata). Di fronte ad uno scenario di forte espansione,  i principali marchi cinesi del settore beverage si sono lanciati in un programma di investimenti in linee di produzione più moderne ed efficienti; ne è un esempio  quanto successo nella città di Tianjing, dove l’azienda Huihuang United Food, importante imbottigliatore di marchi leader come Coca-Cola e C’estbon, si è rivolta a SMI, con cui collabora da anni, per la fornitura di un sistema integrato di soffiaggio-riempimento-tappatura ECOBLOC® ERGON, il primo installato da SMI in Cina, destinato all’imbottigliamento di  prodotti a marchio C’estbon in contenitori PET da 4,5 L.

Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co. Ltd.

Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Company viene fondata nel 2011 come filiale di Macau Huiyang International Investiment Co. Ltd., società appartenente al colosso industriale Zhuhai Zhongfu Enterprises Co. L’azienda di Tianjin, che attualmente dà lavoro a circa 300 persone, sin dall’inizio della sua attività si è contraddistinta per la capacità di gestire produzioni di grandi dimensioni per conto terzi; dal 2011 collabora, a esempio, con la multinazionale statunitense Coca-Cola. Risale allo stesso anno la prima fornitura di SMI a Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Company con l’installazione di una fardellatrice SK 802 F per il confezionamento in fardelli solo film di bottiglie PET da 0,55 L nei formati 6×4, 5×3 e 4×3: tale macchina è attualmente installata in una delle due linee di produzione da 48.000 bottiglie/ora dello stabilimento di Tianjin. L’insediamento dell’azienda cinese si estende su una superficie di circa 100.000 mq, di cui 68.000 mq occupati dagli impianti di imbottigliamento. La sola area di magazzino occupa una superficie di 36.000 mq e permette a Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co. di tenere in deposito più di 1,5 milioni di confezioni di acqua a marchio C’estbon, assicurando nel contempo ai propri clienti una consegna giornaliera di 250.000 pacchi.

All’interno dell’area adibita alla produzione sono attualmente installate 6 linee complete per l’imbottigliamento e il confezionamento di vari prodotti in svariati formati di pacco. Il nuovo sistema integrato ECOBLOC® ERGON recentemente fornito da SMI si inserisce all’interno di una linea di produzione da 6.000 bottiglie/ora per contenitori PET da 4,5 e 6 L a marchio C’estbon; il nuovo impianto si aggiunge quindi alla prima stiro-soffiatrice fornita da SMI nel 2015 (in partnership con Sacmi), destinata alla produzione della medesima bottiglia.

La fardellatrice SK 600 F fornita nel 2013, dedicata al confezionamento in solo film delle bottiglie PET da 0,35 e 0,55 L, risulta invece installata all’interno della linea da 36.000 bph.

Una chiacchierata con il cliente

Intervista a Huang Gang, Plant Manager di Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co. Ltd.

D: Quando e come è iniziata l’attività produttiva di Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co.?

R: La nostra azienda ha avviato l’attività imbottigliamento di bevande nel 2011 e si è subito contraddistinta sin dall’inizio grazie alla produzione di bevande a marchio Coca-Cola e C’estbon.

D: Quali sono state le principali tappe della crescita aziendale?

R: Il primo investimento risale all’anno 2011, anno di costituzione della società Huijuang United Food, nell’ambito della collaborazione con Coca-Cola per il processo di imbottigliamento e confezionamento delle loro bevande. Un altro passo avanti è stato fatto nel 2013, quando la capacità produttiva dei nostri impianti è stata potenziata per far fronte alla nuova collaborazione con il marchio C’estbon. Oggi, a distanza di 10 anni, l’innovazione continua ci ha portato a realizzare un nuovo progetto per incrementare ulteriormente la nostra produzione grazie al nuovo sistema integrato ECOBLOC® ERGON fornito da SMI.

D: Quali sono i principali fattori che vi hanno convinto ad investire in una nuova linea di imbottigliamento fornita da SMI?

R: Nel 2015 abbiamo acquistato una riempitrice e una stiro-soffiatrice rotativa SMI per la produzione di contenitori PET da 4,5 L, che ci ha soddisfatto e ci ha garantito negli anni una produzione stabile e di successo. Per questa ragione, anche per il recente investimento che si è reso necessario per incrementare la produzione in risposta ad un forte domanda del mercato, non abbiamo avuto dubbi a scegliere SMI e ad acquistare un nuovo sistema integrato ECOBLOC® ERGON per la produzione di contenitori PET di grande capacità da 4,5 e 6 L destinati all’imbottigliamento di acqua piatta.

D: Come vede il mercato del settore food & beverages in futuro?

R: Ritengo che in questo settore ci siano in Cina molti margini di sviluppo e innovazione, considerata la costante crescita del benessere sociale di fasce sempre più ampie della popolazione e il miglioramento dello stile di vita delle persone. Le aziende che operano nel settore degli alimentari e delle bevande devono prestare sempre maggiore attenzione alle nuove esigenze dei consumatori, creando un’offerta ampia e diversificata di prodotti realizzati con processi avanzati e sostenibili per il benessere del pianeta.

D: Come differiscono i prodotti di Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co. dagli altri disponibili sul mercato?

R: La qualità e la sicurezza rappresentano i principi fondamentali alla base della nostra attività aziendale. Dal mio punto di vista sono proprio questi gli elementi che ci differenziano maggiormente e ci permettono di avere successo sul mercato.

D: Quanto è importante per Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co. la presenza diretta di SMI in Cina tramite la filiale SMI Machinery Beijing?

R: È fondamentale per garantirci un supporto tecnico e di post-vendita rapido, efficiente e conveniente. La presenza di una filiale locale ha rappresentato e rappresenterà sempre di più in futuro un elemento essenziale per la nostra collaborazione con SMI, perché una grande azienda come la nostra deve poter contare in ogni momento su un supporto qualificato e di alto livello da parte dei propri fornitori di fiducia.

Soluzioni SMI per Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co.

La collaborazione tra Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co e SMI è iniziata 12 anni fa con l’acquisto di una fardellatrice in film termoretraibile SK 802 F, installata all’interno della linea di produzione dedicata al confezionamento delle bottiglie a marchio Coca-Cola da 0,5 L nei formati 6×4, 5×3 e 4×3 solo film e con la successiva fornitura di una fardellatrice SK 600 F installata sulla linea da 36.000 bottiglie/ora, necessaria per incrementare la produzione delle bottiglie da 0,35 e 0,55 L.

Nell’ambito dell’imballaggio primario la collaborazione tra l’azienda cinese e SMI è iniziata nel 2015, con l’installazione di una stiro-soffiatrice a 6 cavità per la produzione di contenitori PET da 4,5 le e 6 L destinati al marchio C’estbon. Il recente investimento nel primo impianto ECOBLOC® ERGON di SMI in Cina ha permesso al cliente di incrementare la produzione dei formati 4,5 e 6 L, molto richiesti dal mercato e di accrescere ulteriormente il profilo qualitativo e tecnologico delle soluzioni adottate.

Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food e Zhuai Zhongfu sono due realtà industriali particolarmente attente all’ambiente; conseguentemente il risparmio energetico e la riduzione delle emissioni di anidride carbonica sono diventati uno dei pilastri della responsabilità sociale d’impresa, che richiede l’impiego sempre più massiccio di nuove attrezzature e tecnologie pensate per combinare efficienza aziendale e tutela dell’ecosistema.

Impianto di stiro-soffiaggio/riempimento/tappatura ECOBLOC® ERGON 6-16-4 HC HEVF

Bottiglie lavorate: contenitori PET da 4,5 e 6 L di acqua naturale C’estbon.

Vantaggi principali:

• Soluzione compatta per lo stiro-soffiaggio, il riempimento e la tappatura di bottiglie PET di grande capacità

• Non richiede la sciacquatrice e i nastri ad aria tra la soffiatrice e la riempitrice

• Processo di riempimento e tappatura preciso e veloce, grazie al sistema di controllo elettronico delle operazioni, alle aste di stiro motorizzate e all’impiego di valvole ad alta efficienza comandate da flussimetri

• Ridotti consumi energetici

• Lampade per il riscaldamento preforme a raggi IR ad alta efficienza energetica

• Sistema di recupero d’aria a doppio stadio, che consente di ridurre i costi energetici per la produzione di aria compressa ad alta pressione

• Valvole di riempimento che gestiscono due velocità al fine di riempire in modo omogeneo, efficiente e senza fuoriuscite di prodotto dal contenitore. La durata dei cicli di riempimento (lento o veloce) è gestibile in modo semplice e intuitivo tramite le ricette presenti nell’interfaccia uomo-macchina (HMI Posyc®)

• Ridotti costi di manutenzione e di gestione dell’impianto

Orientatore tappi EASY-CAP

Funzioni: orientatore tappi gravitazionale, che preleva i tappi da una tramoggia e li orienta correttamente fino a portarli alla linea di imbottigliamento.

Vantaggi principali:

• Struttura molto compatta, realizzata in acciaio AISI 304, adatta a qualsiasi soluzione di layout

• Funzionamento fluido e lineare, per trasportare solo i tappi orientati correttamente

• Sistema adatto a diversi tipi di tappi in plastica

• Interfaccia operatore user-friendly, che consente un facile ed efficiente utilizzo della macchina da parte dell’operatore.

A scenario of strong expansion and investments

Case History: Huihuang United Food chose the integrated system ECOBLOC® ERGON by SMI

The consumption of bottled water is constantly growing in every part of the world and the forecasts of the major research institutes indicated that the trend will continue in the future. China is no exception, where, in the first quarter of 2023 alone, there was an increase in sales of bottled water of 10.9% (Source Globaldata). Faced with a scenario of strong expansion, the main Chinese brands in the beverage sector have launched a program of investments in more modern and efficient production lines, an example is what happened in the city of Tianjing, where the company Huihuang United Food, an important bottler of leading brands such as Coca-Cola and C’estbon, turned to SMI, with which it has been collaborating for years, for the supply of an integrated blowing-filling-capping system ECOBLOC® ERGON, the first installed by SMI in China, intended for bottling C’estbon brand products in 4.5 L PET containers.

Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co. Ltd.

Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Company was founded in 2011 as a subsidiary of Macau Huiyang International Investment Co. Ltd., a company belonging to the industrial giant Zhuhai Zhongfu Enterprises Co. The Tianjin-based company, which currently employs about 300 people, has distinguished itself since the beginning of its activity for the ability to manage large productions for third parties; since 2011 it collaborates, for example, with the US multinational Coca-Cola. The first supply of SMI to Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Company dates back to the same year, with the installation of an SK 802 F shrinkwrapper for packing 0.55 L PET bottles in 6×4, 5×3 and 4×3: this machine is currently installed in one of the two 48,000 bottles/hour production lines of the Tianjin plant. The Chinese company extends over an area of about 100,000 square meters, of which 68,000 square meters occupied by bottling plants. The warehouse area alone occupies an area of 36,000 square meters and allows Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co. to store more than 1.5 million packs of C’estbon-branded water, while ensuring its customers a daily delivery of 250,000 packs.

Within the production area, 6 complete lines are currently installed for bottling and packaging various products in various pack formats. The new ECOBLOC® ERGON integrated system recently supplied by SMI, is part of a 6,000 bottles/hour production line for 4.5 and 6 L PET containers branded C’estbon; the new plant is therefore added to the first stretch-blow moulder supplied by SMI in 2015 (in partnership with Sacmi), intended for the production of the same bottle.

While the SK 600 F shrinkwrapper supplied in 2013, dedicated to the packaging of 0.35 and 0.55 L PET bottles in film-only, is installed inside the 36,000 bph line.

A chat with the customer

Interview with Huang Gang, Plant Manager of Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co. Ltd.

Q: When and how did Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co. start production?

A: Our company started the beverage bottling business in 2011 and immediately distinguished itself thanks to the production of Coca-Cola and C’estbon drinks.

Q: What were the main stages of the company’s growth?

A: The first investment dates back to 2011, the year Huijuang United Food was established, as part of the collaboration with Coca-Cola for the bottling and packaging process of their beverages. Another step forward was made in 2013, when the production capacity of our plants was enhanced to cope with the new collaboration with the C’estbon brand. Today, after 10 years, continuous innovation has led us to create a new project to further increase our production thanks to the new integrated system ECOBLOC® ERGON supplied by SMI.

Q: What are the main factors that convinced you to invest in a new bottling line supplied by SMI?

A: In 2015 we purchased an SMI rotary stretch-blow moulder and filler for the production of 4.5 L PET containers, which satisfied us and has guaranteed stable and successful production over the years. For this reason, also due to the recent investment that was necessary to increase production in response to a strong market demand, we had no doubts when choosing SMI for a new ECOBLOC® ERGON integrated system for the production of large capacity PET containers of 4.5 and 6 L for bottling still water.

Q: How do you see the food & beverages market in the future?

A: I believe that in this sector there is a lot of room for development and innovation in China, given the constant growth of social well-being of increasingly large sections of the population and the improvement to people’s lifestyle. Companies operating in the food and beverage sector must pay more and more attention to the new needs of consumers, creating a wide and diversified offer of products made with advanced and sustainable processes for the well-being of the planet.

Q: How do Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co. products differ from others available on the market?

A: Quality and safety are the fundamental principles underlying our business activity. From my point of view, these are the elements that differentiate us the most and allow us to succeed within the market.

Q: When is it important for Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co. to have SMI’s direct presence in China through its subsidiary SMI Machinery Beijing?

A: It is essential to guarantee a fast, efficient and convenient technical and after-sales support.

The presence of a local branch has represented and will increasingly represent in the future, an essential element for our collaboration with SMI, because a large company like ours, must be able to count on qualified and high-level support from its trusted suppliers at all times.

SMI solutions for Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co.

The collaboration between Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co and SMI began 12 years ago with the purchase of an SK 802 F shrinkwrapper, installed within the production line dedicated to the packing of 0.5 L Coca-Cola bottles in 6×4, 5×3 and 4×3 in film only and with the subsequent supply of an SK 600 F shrinkwrapper installed on the 36,000 bottles/hour line, necessary to increase the production of 0.35 and 0.55 L bottles.

In the field of primary packaging, the collaboration between the Chinese company and SMI began in 2015, with the installation of a 6-cavity stretch-blow moulder for the production of 4.5 and 6 L PET containers for the C’estbon brand. The recent investment in SMI’s first ECOBLOC® ERGON plant in China, has allowed the customer to increase the production of 4.5 and 6 L formats, which are in high demand by the market, and to further increase the quality and technological profile of the solutions adopted.

Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food and Zhuai Zhongfu are two industrial companies particularly attentive to the environment. Consequently, energy saving and the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions have become one of the pillars of corporate social responsibility, which requires the increasingly massive use of new equipment and technologies designed to combine business efficiency and ecosystem protection.


Containers worked: 4.5 and 6L PET containers of C’estbon natural water.

Main advantages:

• Compact solution for stretch-blow moulding, filling and capping large capacity PET bottles

• Does not require a rinsing machine and air belts between blower and filler

• Precise and fast filling and capping process, thanks to the electronic control system of operations, motorised stretch rods and the use of high-efficiency valves controlled by flow meters

• Reduced energy consumption

• Energy-efficient IR preform heating lamps

• Two-stage air recovery system, which reduces energy costs for high-pressure compressed air production

• Filling valves that manage two speeds in order to fill homogeneously, efficiently and without product spilling from the container. The duration of the filling cycles (slow or fast) can be managed in a simple and intuitive way through the recipes in the human-machine interface (HMI Posyc®)

• Reduced maintenance and management costs of the plant.

EASY-CAP elevator/sorter

Function: Gravitational cap sorter, which takes the caps from a hopper and turns them correctly until they reach the bottling line.

Main advantages:

• Very compact structure, made of AISI 304 steel, suitable for any layout solution

• Smooth and linear operation, that will only carry the caps that are in the correct position

• System suitable for different types of plastic caps

• User-friendly operator interface, which allows easy and efficient use of the machine by the operator.

Multiair Italia: birrifici e autoproduzione di azoto: qualità e sostenibilità

L’azoto e la sua autoproduzione in loco dal punto di vista commerciale offrono enormi rispari sui costi in quanto è molto meno costoso dell’anidride carbonica e non è soggetta alla fluttuazione dei prezzi della CO2

Negli ultimi anni l’utilizzo di azoto all’interno dei birrifici è diventato fondamentale, poiché previene e protegge il prodotto finale dai problemi dovuti al contatto con l’ossigeno nelle varie fasi di produzione. Inoltre, l’autoproduzione di azoto svolge un ruolo fondamentale nel raggiungimento di pratiche sostenibili.

In fase di produzione ogni contatto della birra con l’ossigeno può causare problemi di qualità. Ecco perché l’azoto, un gas conosciuto per le sue proprietà inerti, viene usato per movimentare la birra e saturare i serbatoi. Anche i fusti, quando vengono puliti tra un utilizzo e l’altro, spesso vengono riempiti di azoto.

Azoto o anidride carbonica?

Sia l’azoto che l’anidride carbonica sono gas inerti, utilizzati per lavare, spurgare, imbottigliare e tappare la birra. L’anidride carbonica può essere sostituita dall’azoto in tutti processi, anche nella fase di gassatura dove l’utilizzo dell’azoto per azotare la birra le dona una consistenza più liscia e cremosa con bollicine più fini.

L’azoto e la sua autoproduzione in loco dal punto di vista commerciale offrono enormi risparmi sui costi in quanto è molto meno costoso dell’anidride carbonica e non è soggetta alla fluttuazione dei prezzi della CO2. Inoltre, l’anidride carbonica tende a riscontrare problemi nella catena di approvvigionamento, lasciando i birrifici senza il gas inerte di cui hanno bisogno.

Produzione di azoto on-site

Molti birrifici che utilizzano l’azoto lo acquistano in bombole o liquido. L’autoproduzione di azoto in loco offre diversi vantaggi, migliora l’efficienza e il risparmio, l’eliminazione delle

consegne riducono l’impatto ambientale, la dipendenza da fornitori e i conseguenti problemi di logistica.

I generatori di azoto Pneumatech, azienda leader nella produzione di sistemi di generazione di gas e trattamento aria, permettono di offrire sempre prodotti di eccellenza, coniugando risparmio, convenienza, flessibilità e contribuiscono anche a una produzione più ecologica. Semplicemente collegando il produttore di azoto a una fonte di aria compressa essiccata, questo inizia a produrre l’azoto alla purezza necessaria, sfruttando l’azoto naturalmente presente nell’aria ambiente e proteggendo la birra in tutte le fasi.

Breweries and nitrogen self-production: Quality and sustainability

Nitrogen and its on-site self-production offer huge cost savings since it is much less expensive than carbon dioxide and is not affected by CO2 prices’ fluctuation

In recent years, nitrogen has become fundamental to breweries’ production process, as it prevents and protects the final product from oxygenation issues at the various production stages. Additionally, nitrogen self-production plays a crucial role in sustainable practices.

Any contact with oxygen can lead to quality issues at any stage of beer production. That is why nitrogen, an inert gas, is used in beer transportation, packaging, tank purging and blanketing. Also, kegs are often filled with nitrogen during their cleaning phase.

Nitrogen or carbon dioxide?

Both N2 and CO2 are inert gases used to rinse, purge, infuse and package beer. CO2 can be replaced with nitrogen in all processes, especially during carbonation. However, some breweries prefer N2 over CO2 for their beer production, as nitrogen creates a smoother texture with fine bubbles. On the other hand, CO2 is highly soluble in beer and, thus, it can exceed in carbonation.

From a business point of view, nitrogen and its on-site self-production offer huge cost savings since it is much less expensive than carbon dioxide and is not affected by CO2 prices’ fluctuation. Moreover, carbon dioxide tends to run into supply problems, leaving breweries without the needed amount of inert gas.

On-site nitrogen production

Many breweries buy nitrogen in cylinders or liquid. The on-site nitrogen self-production offers several advantages, such as greater efficiency and savings, as well as eliminating the delivery of cylinders or liquid nitrogen. On-site nitrogen self-production reduces breweries’ environmental impact, avoiding supply logistics problems for beer producers.

Being a leading company in gas generation and air treatment systems, Pneumatech nitrogen generators always offer high-quality products, combining savings, convenience and flexibility, as well as they contribute to a more sustainable production. By simply connecting the nitrogen generator to a dried compressed air source, it begins to produce nitrogen at the necessary purity, using the nitrogen naturally present in the ambient air and protecting your beer at all stages.

Finpac Sleeve: in nome dell’innovazione

Finpac Sleeve è orientata verso l’innovazione, proiettata in dinamiche sempre nuove dove la versatilità permette di portare avanti progetti di natura differente

La modularità è di linea

“Ripensando solo per un attimo all’importante percorso tecnico e qualitativo percorso fino ad oggi, un elemento su tutti prevale, cioè la capacità di progettare e costruire macchine che potessero avere la modularità come primo requisito.

A volte certe analisi possono addirittura risultare scontate e facilmente attuabili sul mercato, ma in realtà non sempre è così. L’idea principale era partita nella direzione che i nostri prodotti dovessero avere come primo requisito la duttilità di potersi inserire in linee che spesso erano già esistenti e questo è stato, ma non solo, davanti ad un mercato sempre fortemente in evoluzione dovevano potersi modificare davanti a richieste a volte sfidanti da parte dei nostri clienti.

Oggi con grande soddisfazione introduciamo una macchina che solo qualche anno fa iniziava a farsi apprezzare per le sue caratteristiche e potenzialità, parliamo della SHM LS che oggi proponiamo nella versione 2.3.

Per questa macchina fin da subito si è pensato di equipaggiarla con sistemi innovativi proposti dai maggiori produttori di automation and control per avere non solo comparazioni di affidabilità e performance, ma anche di prezzo. Questo ci ha portato nell’ultima versione proposta ad avere più proposte di equipaggiamento e maggiori scelte da parte del cliente.

L’eccellenza italiana

Siamo proiettati sempre più in una dimensione di carattere europeo, questo sicuramente ci ha portati tutti ad interessanti situazioni sfidanti e ci ha permesso anche di dare il giusto valore ad un comparto industriale sempre in crescita.

In un periodo storico dove grandi multinazionali acquisiscono e si fondono tra realtà anche differenti tra loro, noi mantenendo con grande orgoglio la nostra italianità abbiamo pensato di valorizzare ulteriormente l’eccellenza dei nostri mercati dando la nostra fiducia anche a realtà presenti sul territorio, spingendo nel nostro piccolo un Made in Italy che ci rende molto orgogliosi di farne parte.

Siamo riusciti, non senza grandi sacrifici, a combattere e talvolta a vincere anche in mercati sfidanti, dove solitamente la grande S.p.A. faceva da padrona, nonostante sulla carta la nostra dimensione di media azienda sembrasse fuori dai giochi.

Un’offerta altamente competitiva

Grazie ad un gruppo versatile e preparato, alla capacità di adattamento al mercato e non per ultimo ad un management di alto profilo, abbiamo proseguito il nostro percorso umano e professionale con l’obiettivo si crescere ma di poterlo fare con l’attenzione giusta sia al nostro personale che al mercato.

Spesso brand importanti e quotati sembrano sminuire il lavoro minuzioso di realtà meno strutturate, ma forse se diamo un occhio ai dati può emergere con forza e spiegarci quanto la media impresa giorno per giorno sia artefice di crescite importanti.

Finpac Sleeve ne fa parte, rispondendo al mercato non solo con fatturati, ma soprattutto con sempre nuove offerte prodotto, finalizzate a rendere il mercato della termoretrazione un qualcosa di unico di cui fidarsi. L’alternarsi di nuovi progetti con l’innovazione di quelli esistenti ci sta portando sempre più alla ricerca di soluzioni altamente performanti in linea con le rigide normative vigenti.


Siamo coscienti che dietro a traguardi importanti non ci siano solo progetti nuovi, ma legami con la clientela che si consolidano giorno per giorno attraverso la giusta sensibilità nel leggere le loro esigenze, per questo unita all’offerta delle macchine abbiamo sviluppato contratti di manutenzione programmata e pacchetti di assistenza dedicati.

Spesso si pensa di essere troppo conservativi in riferimento ai nuovi progetti, è per questo motivo che dedichiamo tempo finalizzato ad innovare, questo ci proietta in dinamiche sempre nuove, interessanti ed innovative, dove la versatilità permette di portare avanti progetti di natura differente con eguale entusiasmo e risultato”.

Erik Granzon, General Manager di Finpac Sleeve

In the name of innovation

Finpac Sleeve is innovation-oriented, cast toward brand-new dynamics where versatility enables developing totally different projects

Modularity is in line

“Rethinking for just a while about the consistent technical and quality path being paved so far, one element emerges and that is the ability to design and build machines whose main feature is modularity.

Sometimes, some analysis may seem obvious and easily makable, but it is not always so. The main idea was that ductility had to be our products’ main feature as to make them easily appliable to existing lines, and we did so; In addition, in a strongly evolving market, they had to be easily modifiable as to meet our customers’ challenging requirements.

Today, we are greatly proud to introduce SHM LS, a machine that started to be appreciated for its features and potential just a few years ago and that today we propose in Version 2.3.

Right from the beginning, we have thought of equipping this machine with innovative systems from the major automation and control producers to have not only reliability and performance, but also price comparison. The result is a version that offers customers a comprehensive offer of equipment and options.

Italian excellence

We are increasingly cast to a European dimension, which have led us to interesting challenging situations and enabled us to give a growing industrial sector the right value.

In this period when large multinationals acquire and merge with rather different business realities, we proudly maintain our Italian character, and wanting to further enhance the excellence of our markets we trust the enterprises of our territory, thus boosting the Made in Italy that makes us very proud to be part of.

Even though we are a medium-size enterprise on paper and seemingly off the game, we have succeeded, not without great sacrifice, in fighting and sometimes winning also in challenging markets where usually large SpA (Ltd) lord it over.

A highly competitive offer

Thanks to a versatile and highly skilled staff, ability to adjust to the market and high-profile management, we have continued on our human and professional path with the goal of growing always paying the right attention to our staff and the market.

Important and listed brands seem diminishing the accurate work of less structured enterprises, but a quick look at the data will show how much medium-sized enterprises remarkably grow.

Finpac Sleeve is part of this group, responding to the market with turnover and, and above all, with new product offers aimed at making the shrink sleeve market something unique to trust. Alternating new products with the innovation of existing one drive us to high-performance solutions in line with the strict standards in force.


We are aware that behind important goals there are not only new projects, but also new bonds with customers that are cemented further day by day through the right sensitivity in reading their requirements; That is why together with our machine offer we have also developed programmed maintenance contract and dedicated assistance packages.

It is often believed we are too conservative about new projects, which is why we devote time to innovate, thus casting us to new, interesting and innovative dynamic where versatility enables developing different projects with the same enthusiasm and results.”

Erik Granzon,

General Manager of Finpac Sleeve

Crealis Glow, la nuova tecnologia fluorescente

Crealis Glow nasce dall’idea di trasformare il packaging di vino e spirits in un’esperienza indimenticabile, in modo particolare per le nuove generazioni, che tendono ad immortalare e condividere ogni momento

La capsula è un elemento fondamentale nel packaging di ogni bottiglia, che oltre alla sua primaria funzione di igiene e protezione, contribuisce a rendere unica l’immagine del prodotto. Attraverso le diverse tecniche di personalizzazione disponibili, la capsula si integra perfettamente al design della bottiglia.

Crealis, leader nel settore delle chiusure per vino e spirits, opera da sempre al servizio della creatività dei designer e produttori offrendo finiture esclusive per garantire l’unicità e la valorizzazione del brand.

Nella costante ricerca di soluzioni innovative, Enoplastic | Part of Crealis ha sviluppato una nuova tecnologia di stampa a caldo dagli effetti sorprendenti: Crealis Glow.

Crealis Glow nasce dall’idea di trasformare il packaging di vino e spirits in un’esperienza indimenticabile, in modo particolare per le nuove generazioni, che tendono ad immortalare e condividere ogni momento, pronti a renderlo virale sui social.

Crealis Glow é la nuova tecnologia fluorescente di Crealis, disponibile per capsule e capsuloni in polilaminato e tappi a vite, che si attiva sotto la luce UV e “accende” il design della capsula, rivelando messaggi o dettagli nascosti, catturando l’attenzione e rendendo l’esperienza unica. Ideale per le bottiglie di vino o spirits, questa tecnologia é perfetta per farsi notare in ambienti tipicamente caratterizzati da luci soffuse, quali discoteche, bar e pub.

Crealis Glow è disponibile in 5 colori: rosa, verde, giallo, arancione e trasparente.

Crealis Glow, the new fluorescent hot foil technology

Crealis Glow was born with the idea of turning wine and spirits packaging into an unforgettable experience, particularly for the younger generations which tend to immortalize and share every moment

The capsule is an essential element in the packaging of every bottle, which in addition to its primary function of hygiene and protection, contributes to the unique image of the product. Thanks to the different customization techniques available, the capsule perfectly suits the bottle design.

Crealis, leader in the capping and over-capping industry for wine and spirits, has always worked to enhance the creativity of designers and producers offering exclusive finishes to ensure brand uniqueness and valorisation.

The constant research for innovative solutions led Enoplastic | Part of Crealis to develop a new printing technology with surprising effects: Crealis Glow.

Crealis Glow was born with the idea of turning wine and spirits packaging into an unforgettable experience, particularly for the younger generations which tend to immortalize and share every moment, ready to make it viral on social media.

Crealis Glow is the new fluorescent hot foil technology of Crealis, available for polylaminate capsules and foils and screw caps, that activates under the UV light and “lights up” the design of the capsule, unveiling hidden messages or details, capturing the attention and making the experience unique.

Ideal for bottles of wine or spirits, this technology is perfect to be noticed in places typically characterized by soft lighting, such as discos, bars and pubs.

Crealis Glow is available in 5 colours: pink, green, yellow, orange and transparent.

Balluff: identificazione rapida e affidabile quando si cambia formato

Balluff propone sistemi di identificazione che permettono di evitare errori e danni alle macchine, aumentando così la produttività e riducendo i costi di produzione

Rilevamento dei componenti del cambio formato

Le parti che cambiano tipicamente nelle linee di riempimento delle bevande sono pinze, guide e le ruote dentate di alimentazione. L’identificazione industriale con sistemi RFID o di visione consente un rilevamento affidabile dei componenti da cambiare o riposizionare, con il vantaggio di un aumento dei tempi di attività per viti senza fine e ruote dentate di trascinamento.

Il pezzo giusto nella posizione giusta

Quando si riattrezza una macchina per eseguire un cambio formato, è possibile utilizzare i sistemi RFID o i codici a barre per garantire l’utilizzo dei nuovi pezzi corretti.

I sensori di visione rilevano anche se il pezzo è stato installato correttamente o meno. Queste soluzioni aiutano ad evitare errori e danni alle macchine, aumentando così la produttività e riducendo i costi di produzione.

Implementare la manutenzione predittiva

Con i supporti di dati RFID, i tempi di funzionamento di ogni pezzo da cambiare possono essere registrati e documentati direttamente sul pezzo stesso: se un pezzo deve essere pulito, sostituito o rilavorato, può essere emessa una notifica o un allarme nel controllore della macchina prima che si verifichino condizioni di guasto.

I supporti dati RFID consentono anche di poter registrare i cicli di pulizia regolari.

Le parti che cambiano tipicamente nelle linee di riempimento delle bevande sono pinze, guide e le ruote dentate di alimentazione Typical change parts in beverage filling are grippers and infeed starwheels

Automatizzare le impostazioni della macchina

Poiché è possibile memorizzare i singoli parametri di impostazione per il cambio formato sul supporto dati RFID, la parte da sostituire può fornire le informazioni al controllore della macchina. In questo modo le parti sostituite possono cambiare il formato nel PLC e modificare il processo produttivo.

Questo è un passo importante verso la produzione intelligente secondo i concetti di Industria 4.0.

Protezione dalla contraffazione

L’RFID distingue i pezzi originali OEM da quelli di terzi e dalle contraffazioni. Questo garantisce una protezione, aumenta la sicurezza delle macchine e protegge la proprietà intellettuale del produttore del sistema di automazione.

Fast and reliable identification when changing formats

Balluff proposes identification systems that enable avoiding errors and machine damage, which in turn increases throughput and reduces production costs

Change part detection

Typical change parts in beverage filling are grippers and infeed starwheels. Industrial identification with RFID or vision systems enables reliable change part detection, and increased uptime for timing screws and starwheels.

The right part at the right position

When changing a machine over to a new format you can use RFID data carriers or barcodes to ensure that the correct new parts are being used. Vision sensors also detect whether the part was installed correctly or incorrectly. Such solutions help you to prevent errors as well as machine damage, which in turn increases throughput and reduces production costs.

Implement predictive maintenance

With RFID data carriers the operating times of each change part can be documented directly on the part itself. If a part needs to be cleaned, replaced or reworked, a notification or alarm is issued in the machine controller before fault conditions can arise. RFID data carriers also allow regular cleaning cycles to be logged.

Automate machine settings

Since you can store the individual setting parameters for the change part on the data carrier, the part itself also provides the information to the machine controller. Thus, the change part can trigger a format change in the PLC and change the production process. This is an important step towards intelligent production in the Industry 4.0 concept.

Counterfeit protection

RFID distinguishes original OEM parts from those of third parties and counterfeits. This provides guaranteed protection, increases machine safety and protects the intellectual property of the machine manufacturer.


MIC: il refrigeratore modulare Aermec per le applicazioni industriali

MIC è il nuovo refrigeratore modulare condensato ad aria compatto e rapido da installare, con una potenza frigorifera nominale di 3 kW

I processi industriali sono caratterizzati dall’esigenza di garantire diversi set di temperatura durante le varie fasi di lavorazione per assicurare il mantenimento delle caratteristiche del prodotto che si intende realizzare. Per questo motivo i refrigeratori installati in impianti industriali devono garantire, oltre ad affidabilità, modularità ed efficienza, anche un ampio range di funzionamento.

MIC è il nuovo refrigeratore modulare condensato ad aria di Aermec progettato specificatamente per le applicazioni industriali e per il mondo del food&beverage e rappresenta la soluzione per rispondere a queste esigenze.

Compatto e rapido da installare, il refrigeratore portatile MIC ha una potenza frigorifera nominale di 3 kW e utilizza il refrigerante R513A in classe A1 (non tossico, non infiammabile) con basso GWP e ridotto impatto ambientale. Può produrre acqua refrigerata da 20 °C fino a -10 °C e funziona a pieno carico fino a 45 °C di temperatura dell’aria.

La scelta, in fase di progettazione, di rendere separabili i circuiti frigorifero e idraulico avvantaggia e semplifica le operazioni di manutenzione. Inoltre, in caso vi sia necessità di sostituire un modulo non funzionante è possibile rimuovere interamente quello frigorifero lasciando in posizione la parte idronica in modo da ridurre drasticamente i tempi di fermo impianto.

Grazie alla struttura modulare, l’installazione può essere adattata, anche nel tempo, alle specifiche esigenze dell’impianto. La potenza frigorifera, infatti, può essere incrementata in qualsiasi momento aggiungendo uno o più moduli.

Sono stati progettati tre differenti soluzioni di modularità:

1. Nessuna soluzione di interconnessione tra i moduli, ognuno dei quali lavora autonomamente sul proprio set point; In caso di accensione o spegnimento di tutti i moduli è necessario intervenire su ciascun modulo.

2. Attraverso contatto ON-OFF da remoto (Master/Slave) collegando più moduli in parallelo e, dove necessario, coordinare l’avvio e lo spegnimento di tutti i moduli con un unico comando;

3. Mediante un supervisore esterno (BMS): attraverso un modulo di comunicazione ModBus (accessorio) si possono gestire i moduli con un supervisore esterno.

La regolazione è a microprocessore completo di tastiera e display LCD che permette una facile consultazione e l’intervento sull’unità attraverso un menù disponibile in più lingue.

Se equipaggiato dell’accessorio ETHERNET-RS485 che trasforma la seriale MODBUS Rs485 in una TCP-IP, il refrigeratore MIC può essere integrato in sistemi di supervisione e quindi accedere alle agevolazioni previste per Industria 4.0.

MIC, Aermec modular chiller for industrial applications

MIC is the new modular, compact, and quick to install air-cooled chiller with nominal cooling capacity of 3 kW

Industrial processes are characterized by the need to guarantee different temperature sets during the various processing phases to ensure the maintenance of the characteristics of the product to be created. For this reason, chillers installed in industrial plants must guarantee, in addition to reliability, modularity and efficiency, also a wide operating range.

MIC is the new modular air-cooled chiller from Aermec designed specifically for industrial applications and for food & beverage field and represents the solution to meet these needs.

Compact and quick to install, the MIC portable chiller has a nominal cooling capacity of 3 kW and uses class A1 R513A refrigerant (non-toxic, non-flammable) with low GWP and reduced environmental impact.

MIC can produce water from 20°C down to -10°C and operates at full load up to 45°C air temperature.

The design decision to make the refrigeration and hydraulic circuits separable benefits and simplifies maintenance operations. Furthermore, in the event of failure of one module, it is possible to remove the refrigeration module leaving the hydronic part in place in order to drastically reduce plant shutdown.

Thanks to the modular structure, the installation can be adapted to the specific needs of the system. The cooling capacity, in fact, can be increased at any time by adding one or more modules.

Three different modularity solutions have been designed:

1. No interconnection among the modules, each of which works independently on its own set point;

2. Remote ON-OFF contact (Master/Slave) to manage multiple modules in parallel with a single signal;

3. External supervisor (BMS): through a ModBus communication component (accessory) you can manage the modules with an external supervisor.

The regulation is by microprocessor complete with keyboard and LCD display which allows easy for consultation and intervention unit by means of a menu available in several languages.

If equipped with the ETHERNET-RS485 accessory, the MIC chiller can be integrated into supervision systems and therefore access the benefits provided for Industry 4.0.

Digital-Green: la strategia 5.0 di ADUE per la sostenibilità

ADUE è impegnata a migliorare le sue prestazioni in termini di sostenibilità e si sottopone periodicamente ad audit incentrati su salute e sicurezza, standard lavorativi, etica del business e ambiente

ADUE S.p.A. è in prima linea per promuovere il rispetto dell’ambiente e il risparmio delle risorse naturali, la stabilità sociale e il benessere delle comunità in cui opera, agendo su 2 fronti complementari: la progettazione ecosostenibile degli impianti industriali forniti ai propri clienti e il basso impatto della propria infrastruttura produttiva.

Un approccio 5.0 che prevede anche programmi di formazione mirata del capitale umano per affrontare queste sfide con le necessarie competenze.

Obiettivo primario della Digital-Green Engineering di ADUE è ridurre le emissioni di CO2 dei propri macchinari attraverso processi circolari, innovazioni tecnologiche e digitali per l’ottimizzazione e il riutilizzo delle risorse naturali e la riduzione di sprechi e rifiuti.

In fase di progettazione viene prestata la massima attenzione al minor ingombro, minore quantità di imballaggi, minori consumi di acqua ed energia grazie a ottimizzazioni del lay-out; recuperi termici; trattamento, recupero e riutilizzo di acque di scarto (WTP e WWTP).

Dal punto di vista digital, i software installati sugli impianti ADUE, attraverso la raccolta e l’elaborazione dei dati anche provenienti dalla sensoristica IoT di campo, garantiscono il monitoraggio continuo e la visualizzazione dei consumi energetici oltre che dei parametri di produzione. Ciò consente non solo di individuare meccanismi di efficienza energetica, ma anche di aumentare la produttività e di ridurre i cicli di manutenzione, grazie all’applicazione di tecniche di manutenzione predittiva.

Per quanto riguarda la propria infrastruttura produttiva, ADUE dispone di impianti moderni che consentono una produzione efficiente sotto il profilo delle risorse e rispettosa dell’ambiente. Infatti, lo stabilimento che da inizio 2018 ospita gli uffici (circa 1500 mq) e la produzione (circa 2500 mq) è di nuova costruzione, progettato e realizzato per garantire il massimo isolamento e i minori consumi energetici (luci a led, domotica, riscaldamento con pompe di calore, ecc.). Produce energia rinnovabile da impianto fotovoltaico di proprietà (potenza installata circa 100 kWp).

Grazie al suo impegno, ADUE può vantare la Medaglia d’Argento EcoVadis, che valuta e certifica le performance di sostenibilità tramite criteri basati su standard internazionali. ADUE è costantemente impegnata a migliorare le sue prestazioni in termini di sostenibilità e si sottopone periodicamente ad audit di terze parti incentrati su salute e sicurezza, standard lavorativi, etica del business e ambiente.

Per poter approcciare in modo ancora più proattivo le sfide della sostenibilità, ADUE ha intrapreso il percorso per l’adozione del Modello Organizzativo e di Gestione ai sensi del D.lgs. 231/2001.

Per maggiori informazioni: –

Digital-Green: ADUE’s 5.0 strategy for sustainability

ADUE is striving to improve its performance in terms of sustainability and periodically undergoes audits focused on health and safety, labour standards, business ethics and the environment

ADUE S.p.A. is at the forefront in promoting respect for the environment and the saving of natural resources, social stability and the wellbeing of the communities in which it operates, acting on two complementary fronts: the eco-sustainable design of the industrial plants supplied to its customers and the low impact of its production infrastructure.

A 5.0 approach that also includes targeted human capital training programs to meet these challenges with the necessary skills.

The primary objective of ADUE’s Digital-Green Engineering is to reduce the CO2 emissions from its machinery through circular processes, technological and digital innovations for the optimisation and reuse of natural resources and the reduction of waste and refuse.

In the design phase, the utmost attention is paid to a smaller footprint, less packaging, lower water and energy consumption thanks to layout optimisations, heat recovery and the treatment, recovery and reuse of waste water (WTP and WWTP).

From a digital point of view, the software installed on ADUE systems, through the collection and processing of data also coming from IoT field sensors, guarantees continuous monitoring and display of energy consumption as well as production parameters. This makes it possible not only to identify energy efficiency mechanisms, but also to increase productivity and reduce maintenance cycles, thanks to the application of predictive maintenance techniques.

As far as its production infrastructure is concerned, ADUE has modern facilities that enable resource-efficient and environmentally friendly production. In fact, the plant that has housed the offices (approximately 1500 m2) and production (approximately 2500 m2) since early 2018 is newly built, designed and made to guarantee maximum insulation and lower energy consumption (LED lights, building automation, heat pump heating, etc.). It produces renewable energy from its own photovoltaic system (installed power approximately 100 kWp).

Thanks to its commitment, ADUE can boast the EcoVadis Silver medal, which evaluates and certifies sustainability performance using criteria based on international standards. ADUE is constantly striving to improve its performance in terms of sustainability and periodically undergoes third-party audits focused on health and safety, labour standards, business ethics and the environment.

In order to be able to approach the challenges of sustainability in an even more proactive way, ADUE has undertaken the process of adopting the Organisational and Management Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001.

For more information: –

Endress+Hauser Italia festeggia 50 anni

Il 20 marzo Endress+Hauser Italia ha compiuto 50 anni, a livello di Gruppo resta tra i centri di vendita più importanti

Endress+Hauser Italia nasce ufficialmente nel 1974 dopo l’incontro avvenuto qualche anno prima tra l’ing. Antonio Magri e Georg H. Endress in occasione dell’edizione dell’Interkama, la più importante fiera tedesca dell’automazione. Nella sede di Milano in via Padova si trovavano sia la direzione vendite che quella produttiva in grado di progettare e realizzare misuratori di livello ad ultrasuoni.

Alla fine degli anni ‘80 la produzione di ultrasuoni viene trasferita in Germania e la produzione italiana viene convertita prima nelle misure di umidità nei solidi e successivamente nelle misure industriali di temperatura. L’azienda in Italia, anno dopo anno, si sviluppa sempre di più raggiungendo importanti traguardi a livello di fatturato fino a diventare la seconda azienda in Europa e nel Gruppo Endress+Hauser, alle spalle della sola Germania. 

Endress+Hauser headquarters in Cernusco sul Naviglio, near Milan, Italy

Nel 1986 Georg H. Endress in persona inaugura la prima delle due palazzine di una nuova sede a Cernusco sul Naviglio, in un secondo edificio si producono sensori e trasmettitori di temperatura, attività successivamente trasferita a Pessano con Bornago dopo l’acquisizione della società Sicestherm. Attualmente è ancora il centro di produzione per la misura di temperatura.

La sede attuale di Endress+Hauser Italia è stata inaugurata nel 2016. L’edificio di tre piani è immerso in un parco e occupa 6.000 metri quadrati di superficie con elementi geotermici per supportare il raffreddamento e riscaldamento dei locali; un impianto fotovoltaico sul tetto che genera energia elettrica; l’acqua piovana che viene raccolta e utilizzata come acqua di servizio e l’imponente facciata in vetro, così come il sofisticato sistema di building automation, portano ad un ulteriore risparmio energetico.

La sede italiana impiega oggi oltre 250 collaboratori e 20 service partner. Con questa struttura, Endress+Hauser è in grado di seguire i clienti capillarmente, in tutta la penisola con prodotti, soluzioni e servizi. E supportarli nel migliorare i loro processi.

Ivano Mazzoletti Managing Director Endress+Hauser Italia & Corporate Sales Director Central Europe

“Un traguardo importante” – afferma l’Amministratore Delegato Ivano Mazzoletti – “che suggella in questo mezzo secolo l’impegno, la professionalità e la determinazione di chi ha creduto da sempre in questa Azienda. I frutti di questi anni di lavoro sono i nostri prodotti, certo, ma l’anima che li ha fatti maturare sono le persone. Persone che con il loro entusiasmo hanno fatto crescere in Italia una realtà molto importante per il Gruppo Endress+Hauser”. 

Proprio il 20 marzo Endress+Hauser ha festeggiato questo importante anniversario, con un evento a Milano.

Endress+Hauser Italia celebrates 50 years’ anniversary

Last 20 March, Endress+Hauser celebrated its 50th anniversary, developing the country into one of the Group’s strongest sales markets in this time

Endress+Hauser has established itself as a major player in the Italian industrial landscape since its creation in 1974. “We can look back on five exciting decades, during which the requirements of the market have steadily changed. But one thing has not changed: we have consistently supported our customers with innovative solutions – and we will continue to be a reliable partner in the future,” says Ivano Mazzoletti, managing director of Endress+Hauser Italy and corporate sales director for Central Europe. 

1986, cerimonia di inaugurazione della sede di Cernusco sul Naviglio con Georg H. Endress 1896, opening ceremony of the Cernusco sul Naviglio headquarters, with Georg H. Endress

Endress+Hauser has maintained a presence in Italy with its own sales center since 1974, a period in which it recorded continuous growth. A key milestone was the diversification of the business and the industry-based alignment of the sales organization. The sales center has achieved notable results with products for gas analysis since 2017. In addition, the service and solutions business has enjoyed above-average growth and heavily expanded its customer training and calibration service offerings.

Ivano Mazzoletti expressed his appreciation on the occasion of the anniversary celebration to the employees, all of whom were invited to the event. “The fruits of our activities are of course our products. But it’s our employees who help bring them to maturity through their hard work and enthusiasm.” Endress+Hauser Italy currently has around 240 employees, primarily in the food, water & wastewater and chemical industries. The headquarters is located near Milan in Cernusco sul Naviglio, with additional sales offices in Venice, Turin, Modena, Macerata and Rome. Close partnerships are also maintained with sales representatives in southern Italy, Sardinia and Sicily.

CHINAPLAS 2024: plastics transformation turns the page in circular economy

The imminent conclusion of the legally binding Global Plastics Treaty in 2024 and the joint release of the Sunnylands Statement by China and the United States send a strong signal to the world for global collaboration in actively addressing plastic pollution. This brings unprecedented development opportunities for the plastics recycling industry.

According to the latest research report from InsightAce Analytics, the global plastics recycling market size is forecast to grow at a 7.71% CAGR from 2024 and reach US$77.89 billion by 2031. Faced with this immense opportunity, end-user brands, plastic product manufacturing companies, recycled plastics and recycling companies are seizing the chance for business growth, while also fulfilling their social responsibilities.

Mechanical, chemical, and biological recycling technologies

Compared to mechanical recycling, which has already established an industrial scale, chemical recycling is still an emerging technology. However, in recent years, we have seen European chemical companies continuously investing in chemical recycling, and more Chinese companies are actively participating in the chemical recycling boom. In addition, new recycling technologies, such as biological recycling, have also begun to operate on a larger scale, further enriching the means of plastic waste processing.

Thanks to its superior plastic waste processing and crude oil substitution capabilities, chemical recycling has been driven by significant investment from leading international petrochemical and processing companies. For example, Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) has partnered with Plastic Energy, the UK-based chemical recycling company, to advance the processing of mixed post-consumer plastics; ExxonMobil and Sealed Air (SEE) use chemical recycling technology to convert plastic waste into new food-grade packaging; Coperion is supplying a complete system of the chemical recycling of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) to a plastic product manufacturer in Dubai.

In addition to the recycling of fossil-based plastics, there have been new developments in the recycling of bio-based plastics such as polylactic acid (PLA). TotalEnergies Corbion utilizes depolymerization technology to produce Luminy® rPLA, which has up to 30% recycled content, offering performance comparable to virgin PLA.

Notably, China has been developing rapidly in the field of chemical recycling in recent years. For example, Tianjin Bohai Chemical, China Tianying and Jiutai New Material have successively collaborated with international companies like Honeywell to launch chemical recycling projects. Such Sino-foreign collaboration further advances the development of chemical recycling in China. In 2023, Zhejiang Jiaren New Materials made the global debut of its recycled dimethyl terephthalate (DMT), filling the gap in China’s recycled DMT sector. Many other Chinese companies, including Sinopec, CR Chemical Materials, Wanhua Chemical and Beijing Aerospace Petrochemical are also actively implementing chemical recycling projects.

In addition to mechanical and chemical recycling, biological recycling is also emerging as a new plastics recycling method. In 2023, the biological recycling technology for polyethylene terephthalate (PET) was selected by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) as one of the “Top Ten Emerging Technologies of the Year”. The French company Carbios has been granted the license to build and operate the world’s first PET biological recycling plant. International giants such as Coca Cola and Procter & Gamble (P&G) have also successfully applied PET biological recycling technology in production and are promoting the products globally.

Packaging: Towards high-value and intelligent recycling

As one of the main sources of plastic waste, post-consumer plastic packaging waste has always been the focus of global plastics recycling and circular economy. As the pioneer in the circular economy for plastics, Europe has made enormous efforts in this area. Germany, France and the UK have enacted regulations for plastic packaging to accelerate the implementation of packaging waste management. In 2023, the European Union further proposed the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), which sets out new rules for the proportion of recycled plastic in packaging.

Meanwhile, international brands such as Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, P&G, and Unilever have been actively fulfilling their social responsibilities by setting targets for the use of recycled plastic in packaging at different time intervals (by 2025/2030), thus encouraging the participation from more stakeholders in plastic packaging circularity worldwide.

In particular, with the development of bottle-to-bottle recycling solutions and the expansion of food-contact recycled plastics, the PET bottle recycling industry is moving towards efficient and intelligent processing. For example, Starlinger, an Austrian supplier of plastics recycling machinery, has developed the recoSTAR PET system for bottle-to-bottle recycling, which saves 25% of energy consumption, increases production by 15%, and helps reduce production costs by approximately 21%.

Flexible packaging has long been identified as a challenge in plastics recycling. In recent years, leading global food brands, packaging suppliers, and recycling technology providers have joined forces to promote the circular use of flexible packaging. Mondelēz International and Amcor have built Australia’s first chemical recycling facilities, processing 20,000 tons of plastic waste annually, with Mondelēz International reapplying recycled materials to product packaging. Nestlé has invested £7 million in Impact Recycling, a UK recycling technology supplier, to establish a new plant that converts hard-to-recycle flexible packaging into plastic pellets for reuse in flexible packaging production.

Unleash the possibilities in recycling industry at CHINAPLAS 2024

CHINAPLAS 2024 is set to make a strong comeback to Shanghai on April 23 – 26, 2024, and will collaborate with leading material suppliers and recycling equipment manufacturers to support the industry’s sustainable development goals and create new opportunities in recycling and reuse applications. The show will occupy all 15 exhibition halls of the National Exhibition and Convention Center (NECC) in Hongqiao, Shanghai, PR China, with a total exhibition area of over 380,000 sqm. It is ready to receive more than 4,000 exhibitors from around the world.

Download the Sector Flyer of CHINAPLAS to learn more cutting-edge solutions to be showcased.
Scan to preregister
The online pre-registration of CHINAPLAS 2024 has started. All visitors are required to pre-register and reserve the entry dates in advance for admission of the show. Pre-register now for an admission ticket at RMB 50 or USD 7.5. Pre-registered visitors shall receive their Visitor eBadges (for local visitors) or eConfirmation Letters (for overseas visitors). Admission tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Official Website:

Source: Adsale Plastics Network (


Zudek – Eastern Europe Edition

Zudek is an ever-evolving company. Since the Nineties, when it specialized in maintenance of marine, industrial, and civil refrigeration plants, Zudek has been able to add each year a new element to its growth, developing state-of-the-art solutions for refrigeration and air-conditioning to guarantee energy savings, efficiency, safety, and respect of the environment.

It designs and manufactures high-technology refrigeration plants that use ammonia in an environmentally sustainable way. Zudek creates tailor-made products upon customer’s specific requirements, such as Ecomatik® – a water condensed ammonia chiller; Airmatik® – an air condensed ammonia monobloc chiller; Enermatik® – a water and ammonia absorption chiller that produces cooling power recovering heat from a hot energy source. Heat can be produced by other production processes, recovered from industrial fumes, or co-generated with the power produced by an endothermic engine. These refrigeration systems enable customers to amortise their investments in a few years, which is why hundreds of plants have been sold all over the world. In addition, all Zudek plants are constantly monitored thanks to the Telematik® system, a telemetry service that allows to control and adapt machine’s operation parameters in real time to optimize its performances.

Whereas in past decades the cost of energy power did not have a significant impact on the business operations, now this is no longer the case. In fact, recent pandemic waves, geopolitical conflicts and ineffective energy policies have had a profound effect on the industry, making it crucial for companies to reduce energy consumption to remain competitive in the market.

If we consider, for example, that in a dairy factory the prevalent energy consumption is on refrigeration, with a Zudek system the costs can be reduced by 50%. This paradigm can be applied for both large-sized enterprises as well as any other production business in the food, chemical, logistics, and pharmaceutical sector.

The added value can be found in the safe use of ammonia: low amount is used to generate cold, with an innovative and sustainable approach. Moreover, Zudek is also investing in R&D projects related to the purification and liquefaction of CO2.

Z.Matik – Eastern Europe Edition

Z.matik: Modern style and cutting-edge technology

Z.matik has forty years of experience in the production of machines for bakeries and pastry shops, in particular of manual dough sheeters, croissant groups, work tables, planetary machines and cutting rollers in Aisi 304 steel.

From this year the company began a real revolution, but always maintaining tradition. It starts with the manual table top and floor standing sheeters that are much more compact and ergonomic. The modern style and cutting-edge materials are captivating even the most demanding customers. The mechanics maintains some key points, but is also renewed, allowing the customer less maintenance and greater resistance. The goal is to make this range even more solid and intuitive, thus facilitating the operator especially in routine cleaning.

The new dough sheeter is good for multiple applications: from pastry shops to hotels, catering, etc. The existing options have been made even more advanced, for example the thickness detector, which allows you to calibrate the lowering of the calibrating cylinders to exactly check the thickness of the dough. Now this accessory counts a lot of digital display larger, in color and very accurate in reading.

Z.matik is certified according to the TÜV SÜD – ISO 9001 quality system and complies with all standards for food contact. Finally, each product is sanitized before packaging, in order to guarantee the customer greater safety of use.

Silvestri – Eastern Europe Edition

For two generations Silvestri Srl has been producing industrial mixers installed in leader companies all over the world in the bakery production sector.

Study, design and machinery production are carried out in-house in such a way as to have full control of the products from many points of view: mechanics, electronics and software programming.

Silvestri offers excellent quality of both machinery and services for customers’ full satisfaction; each order is carried out thoroughly from the start right to final start-up.

HSM Horizontal Mixer

High-speed horizontal mixers are suitable for doughs of cookies, stuffed cookies, crackers, cakes, shortbread and hard biscuits and generally for baked goods, and in addition for high-capacity production.

The dough mixing is performed by a rotating mixing arm, without shaft, specially designed to guarantee quick and uniform dispersion of the ingredients during the mixing.

Recently, Silvestri has introduced an innovation of the HSM mixer, provided with dismountable seals of the rotating shafts. This option guarantees the possibility to substitute them from outside without disassembling the mechanical parts of the machine, saving time and resources.

HDZ Horizontal Mixer

Horizontal mixers with double mixing arm, suited to mix also very hard doughs such as gingerbread and dog food, are extremely flexible and able to change separately the 2 mixing speed. This kind of mixers permits to achieve excellent doughs in a very short time.

VKS Vertical Mixer

Vertical mixers are suitable for producing highly uniform dough. The mixing is performed by vertical shafts with horizontal winding arms specially designed to guarantee quick and uniform dispersion of the ingredients as well as a soft and effective mixing.

All Silvestri mixers can be completely customized according to the customer’s requests, both from what the software functioning regards as for the ingredient feeding and the unloading of the dough.

Silvestri manufactures and sells industrial mixers installed worldwide in the bakery production lines of main industries, both big corporations of the food processing and smaller facilities producing specific baked goods, from South America to Middle and Far East going through Europe and Africa.

Re Pietro – Eastern Europe Edition

Popping Machine RP-EVO

Re Pietro’s innovation for the production of cereal cakes and no-fried snacks

Popping machine RP-EVO is the press of the latest generation manufactured by Re Pietro Srl to produce both cereal cakes and no-fried snacks, products that following a worldwide trend are having a constantly increase in demand. With this new press, the highly innovative attitude of Re Pietro Srl is setting new standards in cereal cakes and snacks production, by offering one solution that will revolutionise and simplify the manufacturing of these products. In fact, once the mould has been chosen and installed, the popping machine RP-EVO transforms the cereals and/or the micro-pellets into fragrant cakes or crunchy snacks. Its efficiency and flexibility allow to have a wider range of products, using one press only. Nowadays, these products not only are appreciated as healthy alternatives to conventional bread, but they are also valued for their versatility by professionals and consumers: they are perfect as carbs supply during meals, as crunchy snacks for a quick bite or as fancy decorations to dishes and desserts. You may wonder how many moulds and which shapes can allow you to produce both cakes and snacks with the new press. Round big and small, round with ridges, triangular or square, hexagonal and rectangular just to name a few. But we can also produce customised moulds based on the customers’ requests.

Popping Machine RP-EVO – Focus on

Structure in nickel coated steel, certified food contact material, electric panel in stainless-steel with a side rotating and swivelling touch screen control panel set at eye’s level for easier use.

Equipped with a hydraulic system that produces the high pressure needed for the expansion of the cereals or micropellets turning them into fragrant cakes or crispy snacks. The volumetric dosing is carried out by a pneumatically operated feeding plate. The moulds which shape the popped cakes and snacks are made by hardened steel coated with titanium nitride, to guarantee solidity and a long-lasting life, and to prevent the sticking of the products on the moulds. The moulds, as well as all the parts that get in touch with the products, comply with the MOCA specification for food processing machines as per Reg. No.1935/2004 CE (MOCA compliance). The upper and lower moulds are heated by cartridge heaters separately controlled by thermoregulators. Each press has got its own PLC (Siemens S7-1200) and 7” control panel. From the HMI it is possible to set up each production phase, to save the recipes and check any malfunctioning thanks to its efficient diagnostic system. Popping machine RP-EVO is another milestone in the production of Re Pietro Srl, where the manufacturing of food processing machines and plants has always been approached with an eye to innovation and development, relying on 90 years of solid experience. In fact, the Company, surrounded by paddy fields in the southern outskirts of Milan, celebrate this year the 90th anniversary of the great intuition of its founder Mr. Carlo Re, who saw the potential of rice and its processing. Without forgetting the incredible added value of the Made in Italy quality.

Un’importante mossa strategica consolida la posizione di Ocrim nel mercato molitorio

Ocrim SpA rafforza la sua posizione di leadership nel settore molitorio con l’acquisizione di SIMA Srl

Ocrim S.p.A., azienda di Cremona, top player nel settore molitorio con una storia di eccellenza e innovazione, ha annunciato con orgoglio l’acquisizione di SIMA Srl. (Spresiano – TV, Italia), un altro attore chiave nel panorama degli impianti di stoccaggio. Questa operazione segna un passo significativo nella strategia di crescita di Ocrim, consolidando la sua posizione come key player nella costruzione di impianti molitori, attraverso l’offerta diretta e specializzata di soluzioni complete per gli impianti di stoccaggio.

Nel corso degli anni, Ocrim ha guadagnato una reputazione globale per la fornitura di tecnologie avanzate e servizi all’avanguardia nel settore molitorio. L’azienda è stata pioniera nell’integrare l’innovazione tecnologica con le esigenze pratiche delle aziende molitorie, offrendo soluzioni su misura che migliorano l’efficienza, la qualità e la sostenibilità nella lavorazione di grano, mais e cereali in generale.

L’acquisizione di SIMA Srl – specializzata nella progettazione e realizzazione di impianti di stoccaggio che garantiscono la conservazione ottimale delle materie prime e dei prodotti finiti – è stata una mossa strategica volta a espandere l’offerta di Ocrim e a rispondere alle crescenti esigenze e necessità del mercato. L’integrazione delle competenze di SIMA – presente nel settore da oltre quarant’anni – consentirà a Ocrim di offrire soluzioni complete, coprendo l’intera catena produttiva, integrando quindi, nel molino, lo stoccaggio del cereale e dei prodotti finiti. Le due aziende condividono valori e sentimenti quali l’onestà e l’affidabilità, il senso di collaborazione e disponibilità e soprattutto attenzione nei confronti del proprio Capitale Umano. Ocrim da sempre è un fornitore attento e preparato a 360 gradi e certamente la costruzione di impianti di stoccaggio ha sempre fatto parte del proprio bagaglio di competenze. Ma questo accordo permette concretamente di aggiungere un nuovo tassello alla sua filiera industriale, nonché alla filiera agroalimentare “The Italian Argi-Food Chain Choice”, di cui Ocrim è portavoce da otto anni.

Uno degli Impianti SIMA / One of SIMA’s plants

L’amministratore delegato di Ocrim, Alberto Antolini, ha dichiarato: “Questa acquisizione rappresenta un passo importante nella nostra strategia di crescita. Con l’esperienza e le competenze di SIMA, siamo pronti a raggiungere nuovi livelli di eccellenza e soddisfare le crescenti esigenze dei nostri clienti e a rispondere alle richieste sempre più complesse da parte del mercato che cerca partner veri, forti e completi”.

È chiaro che Ocrim miri a capitalizzare sulle sinergie tra le due aziende, combinando la propria esperienza nel settore molitorio con la specializzazione di SIMA negli impianti di stoccaggio. Questa integrazione consentirà all’azienda cremonese di offrire soluzioni più complete e competitive sul mercato, posizionandosi come interlocutore indiscusso nel fornire soluzioni end-to-end per l’industria molitoria.

In conclusione, l’acquisizione di SIMA Srl rappresenta un capitolo entusiasmante nella storia di successo di Ocrim. Con una visione orientata al futuro e un impegno costante per l’innovazione, Ocrim si prepara a raggiungere nuove vette di eccellenza nel mercato molitorio globale.


An important strategic move consolidates Ocrim’s position in the milling market

Ocrim spa strengthens its leadership position in the milling sector with the acquisition of SIMA Srl

Ocrim SpA, a Cremona-based company, top player in the milling sector with a history of excellence and innovation, proudly announced the acquisition of SIMA Srl (Spresiano – TV, Italy), another key player in the panorama of storage facilities. This operation marks a significant step in Ocrim’s growth strategy, consolidating its position as a key player in the construction of milling plants, through the direct and specialized offer of complete solutions for storage plants.

Over the years, Ocrim has earned a global reputation for providing advanced technologies and cutting-edge services in the milling industry. The company has been a pioneer in integrating technological innovation with the practical needs of milling companies, offering tailor-made solutions that improve efficiency, quality and sustainability in the processing of wheat, corn and cereals in general.

The acquisition of SIMA Srl – specialized in the design and construction of storage systems that guarantee the optimal conservation of raw materials and finished products – was a strategic move aimed at expanding Ocrim’s offer and responding to the growing needs and requirements of the market. The integration of the skills of SIMA – present in the sector for over forty years – will allow Ocrim to offer complete solutions, covering the entire production chain, thus integrating the storage of cereal and finished products in the mill. The two companies share values such as honesty and reliability, a sense of collaboration and availability and above all attention towards their Human Capital. Ocrim has always been an attentive and 360-degree prepared supplier and certainly the construction of storage systems has always been part of its skillset. But this agreement concretely allows it to add a new piece to its industrial supply chain, as well as to the agri-food supply chain “The Italian Argi-Food Chain Choice”, of which Ocrim has been spokesperson for eight years.

Ocrim CEO Alberto Antolini said: “This acquisition represents an important step in our growth strategy. With SIMA’s experience and expertise, we are ready to reach new levels of excellence and meet the growing needs of our customers and to respond to the increasingly complex requests of the market which is looking for loyal, strong and complete partners”.

It is clear that Ocrim aims to capitalize on the synergies between the two companies, combining its experience in the milling sector with SIMA’s specialization in storage facilities. This integration will allow the Cremona-based company to offer more complete and competitive solutions on the market, positioning itself as an undisputed interlocutor in providing end-to-end solutions for the milling industry.

In conclusion, the acquisition of SIMA Srl represents an exciting chapter in Ocrim’s success story. With a future-oriented vision and an ongoing commitment to innovation, Ocrim is preparing to reach new heights of excellence in the global milling market.

Pnd – Eastern Europe Edition

PND: Healthy innovation in an automatic line entirely dedicated to apples

Ready-to-eat fruit consumption shows considerable growth, and apples, a deseasonalized fruit on the market all year round, are one of the leading products in the segment. PND hit on modern trends by dedicating an entire line to it, consisting of three machines: the PL8 semi-automatic peeling, coring and sectioning machine, also available in 2, 4 and 6 stations, the ORN8 automatic feeder and the DFT treatment tank.

The peeling machine, the group’s best seller, makes it possible to achieve a production that ranges from 20 to 80 fruits per minute, depending on the needs and the model chosen. The fruit, mechanically loaded on the coring tube, is peeled at an adjustable speed. When the operation is completed, then the fruit passes through an optional wedge or cube cutting system. This peeling machine, versatile and made of food grade stainless steel, guarantees a minimum intervention on the part of the operator and a precise and delicate transformation.

The mod. ORN8 automatic feeder makes the line automatic, allowing the mechanical orientation of the product up to 99%. The apples, tipped over and collected in a tank with water, are taken and transferred to an orientation section, with the flower or with stalk upwards.

The DTF treatment tank, designed specifically for apples, completes the line and may be added at the discretion of the customer. Thanks to the optional conductivity control unit and the dosing system, it is optimal for extending shelf life; the fruit is immersed in a substance that protects its fragrance and colour, avoiding the risk of oxidation. The soaking times are set by the customer. The tank and conveyor belts have been designed so that cleaning and maintenance take place in a very short time, minimising labour costs.

It is a line that has registered considerable success especially in Poland, where PND, a leader for about 20 years, has 60 customers and where last month two new complete plants were delivered for the processing of apples. The advantages for those who choose it are several: high cutting quality, fast production, labour savings, simple maintenance and sanitisation and a user-friendly interface. As regards the apple process line in Poland, PND is the only name and customers are not interested in any other suppliers in this technological field. They recognize PND as reliable from many points of view: technological, innovative, after-sales, spare parts.

Given the increasing consumption of ready-to-eat fruit, the company has specialised in the development of advanced systems for industries producing fresh, canned, frozen and dehydrated fruit, and has invested in quality, achieving a strong presence in Europe, South America, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Africa and Asia, with an export turnover of 95%.

Thanks to a strong experience gained in the field and the expertise of its specialized staff, PND has been able to win the trust of the customer, to whom it offers a fast and effective customer care, covering every latitude. For those who wish to view the machinery catalogue, as well as the calendar of trade fair events in which PND will take part, just visit the website

Anuga FoodTec 2024. Le soluzioni responsabili SMI per l’industria alimentare e delle bevande

In occasione di Anuga FoodTec 2024, una delle più importanti fiere internazionali per l’industria alimentare e delle bevande, SMI sarà presente per esporre gli ultimi sviluppi nel settore dell’imballaggio, frutto di investimenti continui in nuove tecnologie.


E’ il tema principale dell’evento in programma a Colonia dal 19 al 22 marzo, dove SMI mostrerà come l’utilizzo di tecnologie innovative possa sostenere l’industria alimentare e delle bevande nel suo percorso verso un sistema responsabile.

Le industrie del settore “food” hanno un ruolo rilevante per l’economia globale e una forte responsabilità nei confronti del pianeta. Per queste ragioni si affidano alla forza innovativa dei fornitori, per adottare strategie in grado di assicurare un uso responsabile delle risorse.

Ti aspettiamo allo Stand C011 – Hall 7.1
SMI presenta una soluzione di fine linea compatto che include il nuovo palettizzatore automatico APS 620 ERGON integrato con una cartonatrice wrap-around WPS 150R prodotta da SMIPACK.
Si tratta di un impianto estremamente flessibile ed efficiente, che permette all’utilizzatore di adattare facilmente la produzione in base alle mutevoli abitudini di consumo del mercato.
Soluzione per produzione medio-basse

Il sistema esposto in fiera mostrerà il confezionamento di barattoli di vetro di maionese in scatole wrap-around nel formato 3×4 e la successiva palettizzazione in palette del formato 


Il palettizzatore automatico APS 620 prodotto da SMI è adatto a soddisfare esigenze di produzione fino a 20 pacchi per minuto (variabile in base allo schema di palettizzazione).

Struttura compatta e funzionale

Il cuore dellAPS 620 ERGON è costituito dalla struttura all’interno della quale viene posizionato il sistema a tre assi cartesiani preposto alla formazione del bancale. A questo si aggiungono il nastro di alimentazione, la testa di presa prodotto e le protezioni a bordo macchina.

Caratteristiche principali:

  • struttura compatta, che garantisce un notevole risparmio di spazio all’interno della linea di produzione
  • struttura ergonomica, che consente all’operatore di svolgere facilmente e in sicurezza le attività di installazione, gestione e manutenzione
  • TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) ottimizzato grazie a bassi costi di gestione e di manutenzione
  • impiego di tecnologie di ultima generazione, che assicurano grande versatilità operativa e possibilità di personalizzazione per adattarsi alle esigenze di cambio formato, cambio prodotto e/o layout dell’impianto
  • le operazioni sono gestite da un sistema “user-friendly” diautomazione e controllo della macchina
  • funzioni di diagnostica e supporto tecnico in tempo reale presenti sul POSYC® per visualizzare le informazioni di produzione e la formazione dello strato dei pacchi sul pallet in Real time
  • Il quadro elettrico, dislocato all’esterno delle barriere di protezioni è un modulo distinto, che non viene scablato in fase di trasporto e risulta immediatamente installabile presso lo stabilimento del cliente.
Vantaggi principali
  • Maggiore efficienza produttiva: il palettizzatore lavora a velocità costante, aumentando la produttività e riducendo i tempi delle operazioni di fine linea.
  • Precisione: il preciso posizionamento delle scatole sul pallet e lacorretta distribuzione del carico evitano danni ai prodotti durante il trasporto e lo stoccaggio.
  • Maggiore sicurezza per l’operatore: l’automazione delle operazioni riduce i rischi connessi alla movimentazione di carichi pesanti sul fine linea.
  • Flessibilità: il sistema gestisce facilmente diversi tipi di prodotto, formati o schemi di palettizzazione, assicurando la competitività economica 
  • Ottimizzazione dello spazio: I prodotti disposti in modo efficiente ottimizzano lo spazio disponibile sui pallet, riducendo i costi di trasporto e magazzino.

SMI propone una vasta gamma di macchine per l’imbottigliamento e il confezionamento dal design innovativo, dotate di tecnologia IoT, che offrono soluzioni intelligenti per produzioni fino a 50.000 bottiglie/ora e che soddisfano le esigenze di competitività, efficienza, flessibilità, risparmio energetico e semplicità di gestione dell’intero impianto produttivo.

Per maggiori informazioni sulle soluzioni di imballaggio proposte da SMI, ti aspettiamo ad Anuga FoodTec, allo Stand C011 – Hall 7.1.

Marketing Department
SMI S.p.A.

At Anuga FoodTec 2024, one of the most important international trade fairs for the food and beverage industry, SMI will be present to showcase its latest developments in the packaging industry, resulting from continuous investments in new technologies.


This is the main topic of the event that will be held in Cologne from 19th to 22th March, where SMI will show how the employment of innovative technologies can guide the food and beverage industry along the path of a responsible system.

Food manufacturers play a key role in the global economy and have a strong responsibility towards the planet. For these reasons, they rely on suppliers’ innovative nature in order to adopt strategies able to ensure the responsible use of resources.

We’ll be waiting for you at
Booth C011 – Hall 7.1

SMI will present a compact end-of-line solution that includes the new APS 620 ERGON automatic palletizer combined with a WPS 150R wrap-around case packer by SMIPACK.

This is an extremely flexible and efficient plant, that allows the user to easily adapt the production to the changing consumer habits.

Solutions for medium-low productions

The displayed system will show the packaging of mayonnaise glass jars in wrap-around cases in 3×4 format and then its palletizing in pallets in the format 1200×800 mm.
The APS 620 automatic palletizer 
produced by SMI is suitable for production requirements up to 20 packs per minute (depending on the palletizing pattern).

Compact and functional structure 

The core of the APS 620 ERGON is composed of the structure in which the three Cartesian axis system, performing the pallet formation, is positioned. Added to this are the infeed conveyor, the product picking head and the machine guards.

Main features:

  • compact structure that ensures great space saving inside the production line
  • ergonomic structure that allows the operator to easily and safely carry out all the activities related to the use, cleaning and maintenance of the plant
  • optimized TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) thanks to low management and maintenance costs
  • use of cutting-edge technologies that ensure high operational versatility and customization possibilities to adapt to the needs of format changeover, product changeover and/or plant layout
  • the operations are controlled by a user-friendly machine automation and control system
  • diagnostic and technical support functions in real time on the POSYC® to view the production information and the formation of the pack layer on the pallet in real time
  • the elctrical cabinet, positioned outside the protection barriers is a distinct module that remains cabled during transport and therefore can be immediately installed at the customer’s plant
  • Higher production efficiency: the palletizer works at a constant speed, thus increasing the productivity and reducing the end-of-line operations.
  • Precision: the precise positioning of the cases on the pallet and the correct distribution of the load avoid damages during the transport and storage operations
  • Greater safety for the operator: the automation of the operations reduces the risks connected to the movement of heavy loads on the end of the line
  • Flexibility: the system easily manages different types of products, formats or palletizing patterns, ensuring a competitive advantage
  • Space optimization: products positioned efficiently optimize the space available on the pallet, thus reducing transport and storage costs.

SMI supplies a wide range of bottling and packaging machines with an innovative design, equipped with IoT technology, that offer smart solutions for productions up to 50,000 bottles/hour and that meet requirements of competitiveness, efficiency, flexibility, enegry saving and easy management of the production plant.

For further information on the packaging solutions offered by SMI, we’ll be waiting for you at Anuga FoodTec at booth C011 – Hall 7.1.

Marketing Department
SMI S.p.A.

Olocco – Eastern Europe Edition

Leader in the field of valves and components for pneumatic conveying and dosing of powder and granular products, Olocco has a strong market position in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, South and Central America.

Founded by Mario Olocco in 1970, in 2010 it was taken over by his sons Umberto and Andreana, and today it has 30 employees and a turnover of around 9 million euros in 2022.

A reality that becomes part of VDL Groep BV, a family-run group based in the Eindhoven Brainport region, the Netherlands.

Founded in 1953, since 2017 the third generation of the Van der Leegte family has been at the helm of the group with over 16,000 employees, operating in 19 countries, thanks to over 100 manufacturing operating companies in various fields of specialization. In 2021, combined annual sales amounted to €4.995 billion.

Umberto remains manager and managing director of the company which will be renamed VDL Olocco, which has become the 107th operating company of the group. Andreana will also remain active in the company as administrative manager.

The president and CEO of VDL Groep BV, Willem van der Leegte, says: “One of the ambitions is to further strengthen our position in the food industry. With Olocco we add specialist knowledge and skills, and high-quality machinery. The benefits of the synergy between VDL Industrial Products and Olocco will lead to a broader and more complete product package for customers around the world”.

“We have had a pleasant cooperation with VDL Groep BV for 30 years. It is great that they understand the ethics and dynamics of a family business, as well as the needs of the next generation. The diversity of sectors in which the various companies are active VDL will also offer many opportunities for our businesses. We look forward to further shaping and interacting with this newly initiated partnership,” said Umberto Olocco.

Ocrim – Eastern Europe Edition

The company OCRIM, headquartered in Cremona, is globally renowned as a reliable partner for the construction and supply of milling, feed, and cereal processing plants, as well as end-of-line plants. Its commitment in research, customer care, training and communication has always been an incentive for innovative and productive teamwork.

In the city of Cremona, OCRIM boasts two sites: The original headquarters in Via Massarotti, which houses offices and parts of its production factories, and the premises at the canal port for some important production and logistics departments, and also for the Milling Hub created jointly with Bonifiche Ferraresi, is meant to strengthen Italian agro-food supply chain by offering food industries without milling plant the chance of using a customized plant, as well as the technical and technological knowledge of OCRIM team.

Turnkey projects are one of OCRIM’s strong points, supplied in tailor-made solutions, increasingly welcomed by international customers who decide to rely on a single partner who can guarantee a high professional level and respect programmed time. OCRIM is an irreplaceable partner also for the supply of machines only, and in milling plant upgrade/modernization.

The FBC department designs and manufactures end-of-line plants for palletization and packaging of bags and other packing, supplied turnkey and personalized upon customer’s requirements. Today, it is fully integrated in OCRIM and further piece to complete the industrial chain, which means internalizing all processes, thus guaranteeing a traced, controlled, and certified Italian Made product.

OCRIM’s versatility and seriousness have been further highlighted at the end of 2023, thanks to the acquisition of the company SIMA of Treviso, specializing in storage system design and construction for more than thirty-five years. All that grounds on shared values, such as honesty, reliability, team feeling and availability, and above all, attention to Human Capital.

OCRIM has always been an attentive and well-prepared supplier of storage plants, and this partnership adds further and crucial element not only to “The Italian Agri-Food Chain Choice”, of which OCRIM is one of the main players, but also to the increasingly complete production chain.

OCRIM’s reliability is also evidenced by an important agreement reached with Italian company Molitecnica Srl, to build nixtamalized flour plants for tortilla, snacks and chips production. These products are mainly part of Central and Southern America’s food culture, but also highly appreciated and consumed all over the world. OCRIM will supply its process machines for these plants, thus guaranteeing high performance in line with the targets set.

With the goal of supplying long-lasting milling plants and efficient high-quality services, OCRIM proposes increasingly innovative solutions in terms of sanitation, reduction of energy consumption, maximization of technological results of the plants, and reduction of operating and maintenance costs down to the minimum.

In fact, as for strategies and management related to maintenance and improvement of technological results, OCRIM has introduced the Modular Mill Concept, an innovative technology that enables stopping some parts of the grinding section, for any reason (ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, or else), while letting another run, thus granting uninterrupted specific production. This solution is chosen and highly appreciated by many customers thanks to the benefits it generates.

As far as automation is concerned, OCRIM plays the role of direct reference, thus avoiding external bodies for the study and implementation of plant management systems.

Cremona – roller mills assembly on OCRIM historical premises

The general automation package @mill, which includes many application packets, the innovative @rollermills, which enables controlling the mills remotely via tablet, and the Immersive Reality are futuristic solutions created to improve and simplify the work activities of those in the milling sector.

In addition, OCRIM also offers its customers comprehensive support with its innovative Service, and its customers can be granted specialised after-sales technical support in real time, and can easily and quickly require their own. This state-of-the-art approach to customer service sets this company apart in the milling industry, offering timely and customised solutions for every need.

OCRIM also excels in terms of training and higher education, in fact, thanks to the extensive training experience of OCRIM International School of Milling Technology, active since 1965, and in line with the Milling Hub initiative, the Milling Hub Masterclass training hub has been established. This hub enriches the training with an innovative perspective. Access to the Masterclass is reserved to previously trained technicians only, with proven expertise, as to guarantee a high-degree training. 360° advanced training focusing on the knowledge of seeds, through cereal and pulses processing, to finished product sales.

On account of this corporate positive development, OCRIM’s R&D department is committed to experimenting new strategies and state-of-the-art projects can be broadly acknowledged as unique in the milling sector and in full harmony with the innovation the company has been experiencing. The partnership between OCRIM and some prestigious Italian universities is further strengthened, broadly contributing to get valuable results for the milling sector in general.

OCRIM’s communication instruments mean to finetune the corporate language to the new trends.

The company boasts considerable visibility through both national and international sector publications, via its LinkedIn and Instagram profiles, and three Internet websites: the corporate website, one dedicated to the company’s museum, one dedicated to the blog, strongly wanted by OCRIM as a real information provider for the entire The Italian Agri-Food Chain Choice chain, and therefore for its member companies.

In 2020, the company’s media department was greatly and successfully developed with the start of highly technical-scientifical Webinars into the milling world. Yet, the real novelty arrived at the end of 2022 with the new format O-News Live, a TV news hosted by three OCRIM employees, whose stage is the new O-Theatre, a space that OCRIM strongly wanted for events like this, as well as for meetings with customers. In addition to this, OCRIM also continues offering its customers tailored solutions featuring customized machines, participates in events such as “Wheat, flour, and …”, and welcome its guests at hO (Home OCRIM) and Farmhouse, a farmstead typical of the Cremona area, renovated and inaugurated on occasion of the company’s event “Wheat, flour and …” 2022). Those are the events and projects created to provide a close-up view of a company that is continuously and constantly evolving.

Superior – the compact mill by OCRIM

Superior is a compact mill representing a strategic and smart investment that offers safe and versatile productive solutions for an excellent final product. Pre-assembled at OCRIM warehouse, Superior reduces the costs of a dedicated multi-level building and bureaucracy expense for urbanization works, and offers high energy performance for reduced production and management costs.

Meant for customers with different entrepreneurial courses, Superior is suitable for people approaching the milling world for the first time as well as for those who want a compact plant to extend or diversify their offer, without revolutionizing their industrial production.

Create in the 1950s, Superior is a state-of-the-art engineering icon that has highly contributed to OCRIM’s industrial development internationally.

The mill offers the possibility to personalize its technical, technological, and design equipment, with four different solutions available: Passion, Natural, Gold, and Style. Back to OCRIM home in a futuristic shape, from the technological and design points of view, Superior has generated great interest and significant demand, as to persuade OCRIM to create dedicated Internet website ( and e-mail address ( for information and request, accompanied by a as well as a brochure that fully conveys the elegance of this compact mill.

OPARTS: Ocrim’s world is just a click away

OCRIM launched the innovative platform, an e-commerce portal with interactive catalogues where spare parts for milling plants can be bought.

The entire website has been designed with the customer in mind. The aim is to ensure the best user experience in terms of ease of navigation, speed, and intuitiveness.

The is available worldwide and allows customers to directly purchase milling products 24 hours a day via certified international payment circuits.

The portal is structured in two parts: a B2B e-commerce platform for the immediate and direct purchase of milling plant articles, and a customised section for loyal customers with interactive catalogues. In the latter area, the user’s machine catalogues are uploaded for browsing, with the relevant serial number, table, and bill of materials so that users can find and order both specific and custom-made spare parts.

The reserved area has been specifically designed both for new and long-standing customers. The goal is optimising the flow of information and improving customer service when purchasing specific spare parts for OCRIM machines. Customers can browse the various catalogues in several ways, making the ordering process easier and quicker, thus minimising the chance of error when searching for a specific component.

Thanks to this portal, with just a few clicks, the user can choose and order the spare parts he needs for his machine, by selecting them directly from the table and order, and also find dedicated promos in the “My Area” and keep track of requests and orders at all times.

For more information visit or e-mail to for more details and to receive a brochure about this service.

Millennium Engineering – Eastern Europe Edition

ME FOOD SOLUTIONS: Scaling new heights and reaching unparalleled milestones

Millennium Engineering S.r.l. was established in 1996 and promptly gained recognition for its expertise in stainless steel processing, primarily focusing on AISI 304 steel. The company’s exceptional precision in metal sheet and tube laser cutting, punching, welding, and bending has been pivotal in forging significant partnerships for the manufacturing of food machinery. Their cutting-edge systems cater to various stages of food processing, including deep-freezing, cooling, leavening, pasteurizing, and conveying. With over 25 years of extensive research and development, ME Food Solutions has proven itself to be an innovative and dependable company. Additionally, its global distribution network, adept at facilitating the parent company’s ventures in the international market, attests to the company’s esteemed reputation.

ME is glad to offer customers the most suitable solutions for the entire factory line, starting from components preparation and finishing with packing and storage. A wide range of solutions for freezing, cooling, leavening, pasteurizing and conveying are available. All systems are designed with the aim to provide customers the best solution improving their business in terms of quality, safety and hygiene. Every system is projected considering mechanical and thermodynamical aspect and considering the special features of the processed food.

ME Food Solutions stands as a beacon of Italian precision, European technology, and global expertise. With 12 offices and 2 production plants strategically positioned to serve a worldwide clientele, the company’s reach is as expansive as the Italian vistas, reflecting their commitment to bringing their unparalleled food industry equipment and conveyor belts to every corner of the globe.

Throughout their journey, ME Food Solutions has built 50 production lines and provided 50 turnkey solutions, distinguishing themselves as pioneers in the industry. Their unwavering dedication to excellence and attention to detail has propelled them to produce over 10 kilometers of conveyor belts in 2023 alone, setting new benchmarks for the industry. The remarkable accolade of creating a conveyor belt spanning 1.7 kilometers in length and 1.4 meters in width exemplifies their exceptional capabilities, marking them as industry front-runners in delivering comprehensive solutions to their clientele. This conveyor spiral can operate in the temperature range from -40° to +140°.

Moreover, ME Food Solutions has continued to pioneer innovations in sustainability, leading the charge with their No CFC project. This groundbreaking initiative introduces green solutions by utilizing CO2 in freezing systems instead of the more environmentally harmful and non-green freon, underscoring the company’s commitment to eco-conscious practices and technological advancement. Their forward-thinking approach not only revolutionizes the industry but also sets a new standard for environmentally responsible production, emphasizing the fusion of Italian precision and European technology with global sustainability.

ME Food Solutions prides itself on its individualized approach to each client, recognizing that every food production operation has unique requirements. The company offers tailored temperature solutions to cater to different types of food products, ensuring optimal preservation and quality at every stage. With the capacity to create projects of any size, ME Food Solutions boasts the adaptability to meet the diverse needs of their clientele, regardless of floor area. Their maximum production volume of 5 tons per hour stands as a testament to their commitment to efficiency and reliability, showcasing their ability to handle large-scale operations with ease. With their unwavering dedication and extensive expertise, ME Food Solutions takes on every challenge with confidence and aplomb, firmly believing that there are no impossible tasks for this visionary company.

Low and high capacity, automated and manually operated, medium and premium category, standard and customized designed: all these options are open to discuss with ME Food Solutions.

ME Food Solutions world-spanning experience extends further with successful project implementations on 4 continents, spanning more than 28 countries. This global footprint underscores their ability to adapt and cater to the diverse needs of the food industry across varied cultural and technological landscapes, solidifying their reputation as a leading provider of innovative solutions on a global scale.

With these extraordinary accomplishments, ME Food Solutions has proven that their expertise extends far beyond Italian borders, culminating in a truly global legacy. Their continued commitment to innovation, precision, and sustainability cements their position as pioneers in the industry, embodying the ethos of Italian craftsmanship and European engineering on a global platform. ME Food Solutions is not just a company; it is a testament to the resounding success that arises from combining creative potential, European technology, and world-class experience in the food industry.

Looking ahead to the future, 2024 holds the promise of even greater achievements for ME Food Solutions. With a track record of groundbreaking innovations and a commitment to excellence, the company is poised to embark on another year of impactful advancements. As they continue to push boundaries and set new industry standards, 2024 is anticipated to be a year of unparalleled success, growth, and continued advancement in the global food industry. ME Food Solutions is primed to build upon their exceptional legacy and usher in a new era of innovation, sustainability, and global impact.